Why your brain is sabotaging your weight loss goals

Your brain likes to be efficient. 

It doesn’t like to think new things because it takes a lot of energy. 

So it naturally chooses old thoughts—even if they’re not useful. 

THAT’S a problem if you want to change your life.

Cognitive-behavioral theory tells us that our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors are interconnected. 

If you want to change your life, you need to change your thinking.

Your thoughts about losing weight have developed over many years and are now well-worn paths. 

Your brain doesn’t judge thoughts as positive or negative; it just repeats them. Thoughts like “It’s so hard for me to lose weight” or “I have to give up everything I love” can hold you back.

To create a different result, become aware of your thoughts and question if they move you towards your goal. If not, it’s time to find better ones. 

Here are a few helpful thoughts my clients use:

  • “I take care of my body, and my body takes care of me.”

  • “I know how to lose weight.”

  • “I can feel satisfied with the foods I eat while I’m losing weight.”

When you find a thought that feels good and think it on purpose, you’ll create a new pathway in your brain, and over time it will become your new belief. One that moves you towards your goal EFFICIENTLY!


Weight loss is such a mind game, isn’t it?


If changes you’re making feel easy, you’re probably doing it right!