Weight Loss Becomes Easier When We Look at the WHOLE Story

“It’s so unfair I can’t eat whatever I want like other people.”

Sound familiar? You’re definitely not alone—clients share thoughts like this with me all the time. Turns out, it’s just part of being human.

You see, our brains are naturally wired to focus on the negatives. But that’s the challenge: when we zero in on only the hard parts, we’re leaving out half the story. And that can make weight loss feel way more difficult than it has to be.

So, now what? Well, knowledge is power! Just being aware of our brain’s negative focus lets us choose to see a fuller, more balanced picture.

Here’s another side of that same story that might be helpful to keep in mind:

“Actually, it’s unfair to ME if I overdo it with cookies, feel bloated, and then struggle through tomorrow.”

See the shift?

It’s not about brushing off that first thought; it’s about giving it a fair response. You get to write how the story ends.

Now, a heads-up: this shift won’t happen overnight. Negative thoughts are like stubborn weeds—they’ll keep popping back up. But next time they do, you can think, “Yep, I knew you’d show up,” and choose a different angle.

What stories are you telling yourself? And what other side might you be missing? Give both sides a fair shot, and weight loss just might start feeling a bit easier.


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