We Need Way Less Food Than We THINK We Do

It’s so frustrating when you feel like you’re putting in the effort but somehow, the scale isn’t moving.

You’ve been following the plan, eating healthy, and staying active.

You’re doing everything you think you’re supposed to, but there’s a sneaky reason why you might not be seeing results.

Sometimes, the real issue is that our bodies need way less food than we think they do. It’s not just about tuning into hunger cues – it’s about challenging how much we believe we need, and that shift can be a game-changer.

Now, let me be clear – this isn’t about starving yourself or going on some extreme low-calorie diet. It’s about realizing that our habits, portions, and mindset might be holding us back, even if we feel like we’re on track.

Here’s why:

Portion Distortion - Over time, our idea of what a “normal” portion looks like has shifted. We’re so used to seeing huge plates of food that we’ve come to expect them, even when it’s way more than our body needs to feel satisfied.

Scarcity Mindset - Many of us have this subtle, deep-seated belief that we might not get enough food. Whether it’s cleaning our plates because we’re “supposed to” or worrying that we won’t be satisfied later, this mindset can cause us to eat more than we need – just in case.

Think More is Better - We’ve been conditioned to believe that more food equals more satisfaction. But often, more is actually worse. When we consistently eat past fullness, it leaves us feeling sluggish and slows our progress. Realizing that less can be better is a powerful shift.

When you bring awareness to the reasons behind your beliefs, your thinking often shifts. And when it does, changes in behavior follow quite naturally, helping you finally get unstuck.


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